Supporting School Students' Future Careers


 The Pay Index is here to help students to understand all of their options after leaving school.

The decision whether to go to university, take an apprenticeship or go straight into the workforce can be a difficult one. Access to accurate and timely information is a critical part of this decision making process. However, information about future salaries and job prospects for students deciding between apprenticeships, university and the workplace is difficult to find and hard to interpret. 

That's where The Pay Index comes in - we provide up to date reports answering students' questions about future earning prospects, regional employment opportunities and the different paths based on career goals available for students after leaving school.

If you are 18 or over, and are interested in speaking to mentors who can advise you on careers in their industries (eg,banking and finance, technology, law etc) then find out more about our mentoring platform, inspo.


"This is an incredibly helpful tool that I wish I had before starting university to help me with understanding the variance of pay."

- Izzy, Student

What do our school student reports show?

The Pay Index answers key questions on the minds of students:

  • What are the best degrees and regions to study based on their longer term career goals?
  • Where in the UK might they be able to find a job after completing their course?
  • How might a university degree affect their take home pay?
  • What value can university bring to their job prospects?


How does it work? View our video below

Reports to help students and parents make the right decision


My Future: University

My Future: Apprenticeship

My Future: Degree


"I found The Pay Index reports extremely useful when looking into future career options to ensure a fair pay outcome." 

- Toby, Stu


To find out if your school has access please contact your careers teacher. If your school does have access please log in below.